
13 August 2010

open kitchen shelving - on the cheap

I have been admiring and wanting some open shelving in the kitchen for quite some time now.

I promised myself awhile ago that I wouldn't ask my husband to do any more projects 
(at least for awhile)
- that if I wanted something done I would try my best to do it myself. 

Here's the intended target...
These cabinets are the cheap, ugly kind.  
I painted them white when we moved in 
(about 8 years ago)... 
then black not that long ago... 
then back white a few weeks ago...  
a woman prerogative to change her mind, right?  Back to the subject at hand...

First I had to get this thing down, 
so I set an old crate underneath to help break the "fall" of the cabinet - and I am SO glad I did! 
I came down with a big thud.

My husband put up a beadboard backsplash awhile back, so I went in the basement and found two pieces - there wasn't one big enough, so I cut them to size and pieced them together.

 I saw some shelf brackets I loved, but ultimately, price won out.  I bought these at Lowe's for about $1 a piece.  The shelves are particle board - about $2 or $3 a piece.  They were 4 feet in length.  
I cut them down to about 38 inches on the table saw (they will cut them at the store for you too).  
I primed the shelves and then painted with white semi gloss (latex).  I had both in the basement.

I did spend about $8 on these.  

No skimping on safety.

I am happy with the result - just need to find the wood filler and buy some trim for the shelves.  I know the edges look rough right now.  I'll update you when I get it all done :).  I am really happy with the change...
I wonder what I will tackle next?

I'd love to know what you think!


Sant Family said...

I LOVE this and I bet it really opens up that corner and makes such great use of the space!

I totally wish that I could get Larry to jump on the open shelves concept in the kitchen but he like the cupboard doors solid. (boo!)

Congrats on the project! It looks great!

Queen Bee said...

Gorgeous! I like it a lot!

Unknown said...

I have got to come over and see it. Looks great in the pictures.

Charlotte said...

They look beautiful!! Amazing how it opens up the whole area. You did such a great job!!

Lacy said...
