
04 March 2010

Your vote counts!

I have had a tough time finding fabric for the next purse, so I decided to pull some out of my stash and let you decide.  Choose your top three favorites from below and then we will vote from those top three.  Voting will end next Wednesday, March 10th and  then we'll choose from the top three. 
Thanks for your help!   
 p.s.  I'll post the winner of purse #2 later today!


Diane said...

I love #2! Very cute. I also like #3. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Katie said...

I like the red with big flowers and the light blue with gray.

Blake and Audra said...

My FAVORITE is definitely #2, then would come #6 then #5.

Lacy said...

i like 2, 4 and 9.